Progetto “Chirurgia Ortopedica: nuove frontiere e sviluppi” BANDO DIGITAL EXPORT – ANNO 2023 Project co-financed by the Camere di Commercio dell’Emilia-Romagna and the Emilia-Romagna Region
The project “La chirurgia ortopedica: nuove frontiere e sviluppi”, promoted by Orthokey Italia, was designed to support the company in strengthening its presence in international markets. Although already well-established in Italy and partially present in Europe, the main goal was to further expand, with a particular focus on France and Germany. This initiative represented the second phase of a strategic process aimed at enhancing the company’s visibility and competitiveness abroad.
The project facilitated the identification of new sales channels and provided an opportunity to engage with major international competitors, thanks to participation in a prestigious industry event in France.